Rituals are a way to celebrate and more deeply experience the cycles of life whether they are painful like death or divorce, or joyful like a wedding or a baby welcoming.

Rituals are the dynamic containers for the movement of Spirit.  Even though a ritual takes place in physical reality, it welcomes in the non-physical and allows Heaven to come to earth so that everyone involved in that container experiences profound transformation.

Rituals allow each participant to step up on his or her individual spiritual journey, make their individual contribution to the flow of the ritual and feel part of a larger Whole:  included and connected.

And when two or more are gathered with a sacred intent to honour a major transition in a meaningful way, something magical occurs that would not occur otherwise. That is what makes ritual feel so alive.

Soul Home Community after our ritual on July 10, 2016, to celebrate Penelope Gottlieb RScP, Anka Daly RScP (Retired) and Rev. Gerd Pontow – newly licensed CSL minister.

All blessings

Rev. Steph

I would like to offer you a complimentary copy of my ebook “7 Steps to Creating a Healing Memorial Service for a Loved One” Please use the button below to enter your email so we can send you a copy. Along with my book, you will receive an invitation to a complimentary 20- minute exploratory session regarding any kind of ceremony you would like to create.

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Are you planning a ceremony and wondering how to make it perfect for all involved? You are welcome to contact me for a free 20-minute exploratory session so that we can decide on the best approach for the ceremony you want to hold.