One counselling session with Rev Stephanie literally changed my life, as she uncovered the Truth for me. She set me on a path of discovery and study that gave life new meaning. I am forever grateful to this amazing teacher.
Melanie Hall RScP School Teacher & Librarian, Johannesburg, S. Africa
It was during one of the Science of Mind courses, I can’t recall which one exactly – I called Rev. Stephanie to excuse myself from class as I was busy getting flu and the symptoms indicated that it was going to be a bout of flu where even hair follicles hurt. She called me back, accepting that I wasn’t going to attend the evening, and did a healing Treatment (prayer), claiming and affirming health for me. I woke up the next morning without a sign of these little viruses anywhere in my body – they were “sent packing”. I had never before in my life got rid of flu this easily! Awesome Stuff! No “job” too little or too large for the Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent One, for which Rev Stephanie is a wonderful, powerful channel.
Etrisia Potgieter, Johannesburg, S. Africa