Wufoo questionnaire to set up free consultation with me


Hallo, looking forward to talking to you soon.  In order to make our call as effective as possible, please fill out this form.  Once you press “Submit” (CHECK JULIA.  Is that the correct name of the button?), you will be taken to my online calendar to book your appointment.

  1. Name
  2. Email address
  3. Is there a particular kind of ceremony you want to create for a loved one?
  4. Memorial?
  5. Baby Welcoming?
  6. Other?
  7. Do you have experience with any of the following:
  8. Facilitating a ceremony?
  9. Speaking in public or teaching?
  10. Writing a script?
  11. Event planning?
  12. Creating sacred space?
  13. Spiritual counselling?
  14. Do you need coaching or support with
  15. Ceremony design?
  16. Ceremony facilitation?
  17. Ceremony design AND facilitation?
  18. Emotional trauma?
  19. Bereavement?
  20. Managing family conflict?
  21. If you answered “Memorial” to question 3, are you
  22. In urgent need of support around a recent death?
  23. Planning for a memorial which you know will be required in the future?
  24. If your loved one is still alive, is he or she willing and able to give input regarding their preferences for the ceremony e.g. songs, readings, venue?
  25. What challenges, are you facing right now and what do you most need my help with to move forward?
I would like to offer you a complimentary copy of my ebook “7 Steps to Creating a Healing Memorial Service for a Loved One” Please use the button below to enter your email so we can send you a copy. Along with my book, you will receive an invitation to a complimentary 20- minute exploratory session regarding any kind of ceremony you would like to create.

I'm Available for You

Are you planning a ceremony and wondering how to make it perfect for all involved? You are welcome to contact me for a free 20-minute exploratory session so that we can decide on the best approach for the ceremony you want to hold.